2020 – A NEW YEAR IS HERE (Come in & Rock with US)

2019 – We kicked it LOUD this year with Interviews From Drew & The Blue & The Frantic Vermin. It was a big year on NEW releases from Indy & more well known artist … What a great time we had!

2018 – Things got CRAZY this year as 6 months the show was hosted by Rebel Heather Heat. She was thrown in the drivers seat as our own Sheep Dog was MIA but most weeks he still called in to say HOWL-O.
“Don’t Miss The interview with The Troubled”

2017 – Things were pretty ROCKIN’ this year we had new releases from Koffin Kats, Chuck Berry, Batmobile, Donna Dunne, Hellabama Honky-Tonk & several more that kept Every Episode Live & Wild “Don’t miss our Interview with Wanton”

2016 – Reaching out and Howling Louder this year brought some awesome releases from Backdraft, Guitar Slingers, Milwaukee Wildmen, The Meteors & more ” Don’t Miss The Interview with Punch Drunk Cabaret”

2015 – With more work going on then years before at the Dog House (Voice Overs, Audio Editing ect ect) It was amazing to make the dead lines for our main Rocker Hot Roddin’ 2+Nite. Interviews include The Boston Rats

2014 – Howl along all the way through this great year as always we have the great theme shows Ladys Who Rock, Unvalentines Day, Zombiecast & getting smothered in covers. Interviews include 13 Shots, The Von Rebels, Raizing Hell, Chuck De’Ville, RockN’ Rebels

2013 – Coming off the high that was 2012 we bang out great shows as the site now includes 3 top podcast. We we’re ready to take on all comers building on years past interviews include – Psycho A Go Go Records & Danger*Cakes

2012 – Things start to fall in line here as we work out the sound and up grade some of the EQ. for a better show. We were also gaining even more support from bands
interviews include – Joecephus, The Tremors, 13 Shots & Hells Fires Sinners

2011-10 – The First Year & who knew people would listen to a Crazy mix of old & new Rockabilly, Psychobilly, Punkabilly & Hellbilly for one hour hosted by a Mutt with a Mic …..
Interviews include The Living Deads & The Phantom Creeps